Handel's Messiah

Sunday December 9, 2012 - 4 pm
First Presbyterian Church of Ithaca,
315 North Cayuga Street  Ithaca, NY 14850

Lanfranco Marcelletti leads the Cayuga Chamber Orchestra and the Cayuga Vocal Ensemble.

This year's soloists are:
Ivy Walz (Hansel in the CRS Barn Production of Hansel and Gretel),
Steven Stull,
Robert Allen (an Opera Cowpoke)
Amanda DeMaris  (Papagena in the CRS Barn production of The Magic Flute).

Tickets are available at the Ticket Center in Center Ithaca, or by calling 607.273.4497.

More information at: http://ccoithaca.org/


Caroling by Candlelight
Presented by the Cayuga Chamber Orchestra

Santa in Ithaca

Sunday, December 16, 2012 / 5PM
St. Paul's United Methodist Church, Ithaca
402 North Aurora Street  Ithaca, NY 14850

Deborah Montgomery, Ithaca Children’s Choir, Janet Galvan,
St. Paul’s Festival Chimes Bell Choir, William Cowdery, Linda Case,
Steve Stull, John White, CCO Brass Quintet, Roy Ives,
A VIST FROM SANTA...and much more!

Adult: $14 / Student: $7 / Family Rate: $35 (2 Adults/2 Students)

FOR TICKETS: 607-273-4497

More information at: http://ccoithaca.org/

See you soon!

CRS BARN STUDIO  2622 N. Triphammer Road, Ithaca, NY 14850
info: 607.257.2043        crsbarn@lightlink.com      www.operacowpokes.com

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this and all pages copyright 2012 CRS Barn Studio/Steven Stull