Recordings available from the CRS Barn Studio

Opera Cowpokes image
"Opera Cowpokes"
Opera Stars perform Classic

Western and Country
Western Songs

Pulse of an Irishman image
"The Pulse of an Irishman"
Irish and Scottish Songs arranged

by Beethoven

Boyz in the Wood image
"The Music of Grant Cooper"

Boyz in the Wood, Goldilocks
The Cayuga Chamber Orchestra
conducted by the composer
with Steven Stull, Deborah Montgomery
National Public Radio's Liane Hansen
Beauty and the Beast Storytellers

Christmas from the Heart cover

"Christmas from the Heart
of New York"
with Steven Stull, baritone
John White, jazz piano
Peter Chwazik, bass

Deck the Falls cover
"Deck The Falls"

Favorite Christmas Carols
from Ithaca, NY
with Steven Stull
Peter Chwazik, Blaise Bryski,
Read Gainsford, Ivy Walz

Music for Modern Dance cover

Dance Accompaniment CDS
Music for Modern Dance
volumes 1 and 2
1. John White, pianist with Jeanne Goddard
2. Pat Richter, pianist with June Finch

"I am Prospero" instrumental works by Paul Goldstaub
I am Prospero image


"Echoes, Moods and Reflections" - New works for Trombone Ensemble


As seen on public television
Opera Cowpokes Alive!

Opera Cowpokes Alive! DVD image
  DVD Home Video
features additional footage not seen on the broadcast edition

Opera Cowpokes Alive! Audio CD

for MP3 AUDIO Samples click here!
Santa Loves Opera Cowpokes
Cowpoke Santa says "Ho, Ho, Ho! It's the perfect gift!"


For fastest orders, please phone, fax or email us
and we will send you your requested copies with an invoice
607-257-2043 phone (9am -7pm EST)
607-257-2195 phone 2 (9am -7pm EST) (see link below)

or send a check for $15 + $2 s/h
(NYS residents add 8% tax) made payable to CRS Growers
to the
CRS Barn Studio
2622 N. Triphammer Rd.
Ithaca, NY 14850

For wholesale orders please contact us directly.

buy any 2 for $25 
(each additional disc $12.50)
NY residents add 8% sales tax
Standard shipping - just $2 per order.
prices subject to change without notice

Go to: The Pulse of an Irishman, Irish and Scottish Songs arranged by Beethoven

Go to: "I am Prospero" instrumental works by Paul Goldstaub

Go to: Echoes, Moods and Reflections - New works for Trombone Ensemble

Go to: the CRS Barn Studio Homepage

Please email us for your order
contact us: